Police Receive Additional Powers to Combat Illegal Drone Use

Following the disruption to Gatwick Airport in December 2018 by an illegally operated drone and a widely acknowledged public distrust of drone operations, the Police are to receive additional powers and resources to allow them to combat illegal and dangerous drone use. It was announced that a mobile counter drone unit is to be established which will be equipped with the technology to track down and interfere with devices that are reported to be acting illegally or dangerously in [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:30+00:00October 31, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Underwater Craft Discover Japanese Aircraft Carrier

The research vessel Petrel and it's team of underwater robots have a mission to find and document historic shipwrecks, with a particular focus on World War II. Paul Allen, the Microsoft co-founder, funded the dedicated research vessel and and equipped it with the state-of-the-art sub sea technology including one AUV and a ROV to allow their searches to take place more than three miles below the surface.  The Petrel's work continues in memory of Allen since his death [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:29+00:00October 28, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

CAA Drone Registration and Competency Test Update

The latest update regarding drone registration was published on the CAA website on October 21st 2019. After delays to the proposed registration process, which was originally scheduled to begin on October 1st, registration will now ope on November 5th.  It will become mandatory on November 30th according to the originally published timetable. There are two major amendments to the originally published plans for the dual scheme that combines a new education package and the registration process with the aim [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:29+00:00October 23, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

NATS Launch Online Hobbyist Training

NATS have launched a brand new online training scheme for hobbyist drone users on their website in order to raise awareness of the drone safety rules. This animated online course is available free of charge on their website and is designed to offer new drone users and hobbyists to gain an overview of the current UK drone safety rules and regulations.  It also tests users on their understanding and reinforces their learning by featuring a series of interactive quiz [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:28+00:00October 21, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

The Government Report on Commercial & Recreational Drone Use

October saw the publication by the Government's Science and Technology Committee on Commercial and Recreational Drone Use in the UK. Fuelled, at least in part, by the disruption caused at Gatwick Airport in 2018, this report offers a comprehensive review of the current position of drone use in the UK as well as a set of recommendations for the future and how opportunities can be leveraged while minimising risks caused by UAVs. The change of the Flight Restriction Zone [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:28+00:00October 17, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Waterproof Drones

One of the most common causes of cancelled drone flights, especially in a country like the UK, is poor weather.  Most UAVs are unable to fly in the rain as, even if the problem of water on the lens could be overcome, their electronic components aren't shielded from the elements. However, there is a growing range of waterproof drones available that can be flown in inclement weather as well as offering exciting potential to work both over and underwater.  [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:02+00:00October 7, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Drones and Warehouse Efficiency

With drones continuing to make inroads into many commercial areas, warehouse management is one that is tailor-made to benefit from the automation potential that UAVs have to offer. Warehouses still require a great deal of human input when it comes to picking and packing goods. However, drones can take some of the strain when it comes to inventory management - one of the more time consuming areas of running a warehouse business.  Drones can fly the aisles and scan [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:01+00:00October 4, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

CAA Postpone the Launch of the Drone Registration

The drone registration scheme due to be launched this month in the UK has been delayed by the CAA. There's not much information as to whether this delay will result in changes to the operation or the £16.50 charge for some or all of the participants but according to the CAA's Dronesafe website which has been recently updated, the deadline of November 30th will still apply. The delay is believed to be the result of lobbying on the part [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:01+00:00October 2, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Flying Drones and Sharing the Air with Military Aircraft

As drones become more widely used, more focus is applied as to how they can safely share the airspace with other users.  Traditional manned aircraft operate above the 400 foot ceiling for legal drone operation however, the military often fly below this altitude as part of their essential training exercises. Military training exercises are not limited by geography or timetables as they can occur anywhere across the UK throughout the day or night.  They are also [...]

2025-02-15T01:00:00+00:00October 1, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|
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