We can accept payment via cash, credit card (via Square), or our preferred method bank transfer. We no longer accept cheques.
If you would like to pay by bank transfer internet banking, which is our preferred method as it is cheaper for us and quicker, our account details are on your invoice or we can email them to you…
Internet Banking
Our bank details for internet banking can be seen on your invoice, or we can email them to you.
Please use your session number, surname or invoice number as the reference/ID. It would also be useful if you dropped us a quick email to say that payment has been made so that we can look out for it.

Credit & Debit Cards
We use Square.com payment gateway to process credit card payments securely.
Please use the button below to find and pay for your service by Internet Banking (free) or Credit/Debit cards. VisualChaos Studios does not keep or hold credit card information in any way, everything is processed via the Square payment gateway 0n their secure servers.

Payment to VisualChaos Studios
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