Qualifications and Accreditations

Civil Aviation Authority Operational Authorisation – OA
We are certified by the CAA with flight permissions – PDRA01 – under the OA number 2565.

Civil Aviation Authority General Visual Line of Sight – GVC
We are accredited by the CAA with the General VLOS Accreditation.

Civil Aviation Authority A2 Certificate of Competency – A2 C of C
We are accredited by the CAA with the A2 Certification of Competency.
GVC Theory Certification with UAVHUB
We completed our GVC theory certification with UAVHUB.

Level 3 Award in the Requirements for Electrical Installations BS 7671:2018

Level 2 Certificate in the Fundermental Inspection, Testing and Initial Verification Electrical Installations

Level 3 Certificate in the Building Regulations for Electrical Installations in Dwellings
Ground School and Flight Assessments with Heliguy
We completed our ground school certification and flight assessment for both sub 7 kg and heavy-left sub 20kg drones with Heliguy. We were one of the very first to obtain nighttime permissions for both categories from our initial submission to the CAA.