Skywall, a UK company based in Northumberland, are leading the way with a new breed of drone defence systems. They have created the Skywall100 system to prevent what is perceived as an ever growing threat from irresponsible drone pilots, using drones as part of paparazzi campaigns to invade film sets and celebrity homes or more seriously where they pose a threat to national security.

Previously, a drone has been destroyed as it has been brought down but this ‘gun’, designed for use with minimal training, fires a net and traps the vehicle, landing it safely with a parachute.  This brings it down intact so forensic analysis can be carried out.  Despite it’s appearance, it is also designed to operate in near silence to make it suitable for relatively discreet public use – allowing threat drones to be brought down safely and without raising public alarm and causing collateral damage.

Like all new technologies, drones or UAVs open up a whole world of wonderful possibilities for aerial photograph and cinematography but of course they do have the potential for exploitation for negative or threatening purposes.  There are a huge number of rules, regulations and documentations necessary in order to become a responsible and licenced drone oeprators (which of course Drone Media Imaging is) but those few who don’t take these seriously, or who are using drones to harm others, perhaps this clever device marks the writing on the wall for them.

Detecting Issues Early with Thermal Inspections of Domestic Solar Panels

April 8th, 2024|Comments Off on Detecting Issues Early with Thermal Inspections of Domestic Solar Panels

Thermal inspections can help domestic solar panel owners detect issues early, preventing costly repairs. These inspections identify hotspots, indicating potential problems like loose connections or damaged cells. By addressing these issues promptly, owners can ensure optimal performance and longevity of their solar panels, maximizing their return on investment.

Seasonal Window for Building Thermography is Closing Soon

March 26th, 2024|Comments Off on Seasonal Window for Building Thermography is Closing Soon

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  • Commercial roof Solar Panels

Roof Thermography Solar Inspections: A Guide to IEC 62446-3:2017 Standards

March 19th, 2024|Comments Off on Roof Thermography Solar Inspections: A Guide to IEC 62446-3:2017 Standards

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of commercial roof thermography solar panel inspections, focusing on the IEC 62446-3:2017 standards. It covers the importance of these inspections, the process involved, and how to interpret the results, ensuring your solar panels are efficient, safe, and compliant with international standards.