Thermal Imaging Building Inspection

Thermal Imaging has many applications and the construction industry is beginning to harness its potential by using it during both construction and renovation processes to find faults and to establish compatibility with environmental standards.

Roof inspections are a key component of this and the attachment of the thermal imaging camera to a drone or UAV makes these possible with minimal setup, safety risk, or danger of property damage.  The drone can bear the camera over the roof (or series of roofs in the case of a larger property or housing development) and take both standard and thermal images to assess for damp ingress, flat roof leaks, and insulation performance amongst other things.

Heat loss through windows and walls can be similarly assessed through the thermal photography of the property elevations at any height without having to erect scaffolding or ladders and temperatures read to the exact degree where required.

These non-invasive techniques can be applied to a property or group of properties with minimal disruption and no downtime – in fact, it’s best if the assessment is carried out when everything is running at full capacity.  Problems can be found without using invasive diagnostic techniques or even pinpointed before they have time to develop to save time, money, and inconvenience.

  • Water/Damp Ingress

  • Flat Roof Leaks

  • Heat loss from walls, piping and HVAC components

  • Identification of fault double glazing units

  • Detecting thermal bridging issues

  • Checks on underfloor heating pipework

  • Poor insulation performance

  • Assess dampness and mildew invisible to the naked eye

  • Identify cladding, delamination, bonding and rendering faults

  • Assess compatibility with environmental and sustainability standards

Detecting Issues Early with Thermal Inspections of Domestic Solar Panels

April 8th, 2024|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Detecting Issues Early with Thermal Inspections of Domestic Solar Panels

Thermal inspections can help domestic solar panel owners detect issues early, preventing costly repairs. These inspections identify hotspots, indicating potential problems like loose connections or damaged cells. By addressing these issues promptly, owners can ensure optimal performance and longevity of their solar panels, maximizing their return on investment.

Seasonal Window for Building Thermography is Closing Soon

March 26th, 2024|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Seasonal Window for Building Thermography is Closing Soon

As winter's chill recedes, the optimal period for building thermography is ending. This technology relies on temperature differences to detect energy inefficiencies. With spring's arrival, these disparities diminish, making it harder to identify problem areas. Act now to ensure your building's energy efficiency before the seasonal window closes.

  • Commercial roof Solar Panels

Roof Thermography Solar Inspections: A Guide to IEC 62446-3:2017 Standards

March 19th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Roof Thermography Solar Inspections: A Guide to IEC 62446-3:2017 Standards

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of commercial roof thermography solar panel inspections, focusing on the IEC 62446-3:2017 standards. It covers the importance of these inspections, the process involved, and how to interpret the results, ensuring your solar panels are efficient, safe, and compliant with international standards.